Weightless Grenades This PlaySet removed the gravity effect on grenades, causing them to fly string at their target instead of trailing off toward the ground. Slow Motion Missile This PLaySet is extremely fun. Missiles launches from the missile launcher travel extremely slow, almost hovering in mid-air. They act like mines, exploding on contact. Shock Wave Missile Although this PlaySet does not alter the detonation area of the missile, it does simulate a rather extensice shock wave. Shoot this into a room, but don’t stand too close. Missile Pistol This PlaySet causes bullets fired from the standard pistol, to explode like a missile. The explosion behaves similar to a missile blast, doing radius damage. Missile Mines This PlaySet causes any missile launched from the missile launcher to hang suspended in the air. Any creature contacting the missile will cause it to explode. Mega Pistol This scanrio increases the damage a pistol bullet does tenfold. Great for times when little other ammo is available. Iron Fist This PlaySet increases the damage done by the fist dramatically. May not kill all aliens with one hit, but sure makes survival easier. Flame Pistol This PlaySet turns your standard pistol into a long range flame thrower. When the bullet strikes an object, it ignites in flame. Invite your friends over for the Bar-B-Q. Fast Missile In this scenario, missiles launched from the missile launcher fly at extremely fast speeds. Place Holder For Menu Division Line Game Defaults This is the game default. No changes will be made to the Weapons in the Physics Model file to override the game defaults.